Focus on the vending industryIntelligent vending solutions

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Company introduction

Kimma-started in 1998, a well-known brand in China's vending industry

The company will go all out to become an important R&D, production and sales base of intelligent vending terminals in China, a base for R&D, deployment and service of IoT cloud platform supported by the operation of intelligent vending terminals in China, and a base for self-service vending+full network marketing business model in China. famous brand.

The excellent quality, excellent performance, and excellent cost performance of Kimma intelligent vending terminals have been exported to dozens of countries and regions such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Russia.

Kimma will continue to build high-quality smart terminals to provide consumers and users with the spirit of excellence.

contact information

Popular keywords:Price of vending machine, vending machine manufacturer

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